B22_Thinking Process of a billionaire
I've been reading books , watching videos and documentaries about this topic , for over a month now. According to me this thinking process can be developed overtime. What better can happen if you master this thinking process.
I've widely divided this blog into 3 subtopics ,under the name of 3 billionaires. Although everyone has different thought processes, I found these 3 qualities common.
For a better understanding let's create a scenario... you are working in a company and your boss has given you a project to create a groundbreaking product. Here you go, think like a billionaire.
1. BILL GATES : Framework of Information
The first thing that one has to deal with is consuming information. There needs to be some input if you want an output. The best way of doing this is breaking down things ,creating a framework and then take the information.
Consider the scenario...you want to completely understand the product that you are working on , what do you do ? You start asking yourself rational and logical question. What is the product all about ? Why have I been asked to make it? Simultaneously you develop a rough blueprint of it, again ask yourself questions. Is this blueprint possible and plausible? How will it do in the market once it's launched ? In this way you are breaking down a large chunky idea into small sets and aspects. Once you have done this it's time to create a framework and start seeping related information in.
As Bill Gates says "It's easier to learn and memorize if you can relate that this particular thing is related to that".
I have a personal experience of this , I was learning French prepositions . I couldn't memorize the word "sur" meaning "on". I started relating things... sur -> sir -> sir keeps test papers "ON" the table. Now I can't forget it.
Start breaking things into pieces , then perfect each piece by learning deep about that aspect (watching related videos, documentaries, reading books , articles about that) and in this way you learn to create a framework and consume information.
_Can prove out to be priceless for students_
2. STEVE JOBS : Creativity & "Me Time"
Back to the scenario... you've got a well defined blueprint, and probably have the best knowledge in the world of each and every aspect of your product. But, you are thinking like a billionaire , you have to be creative and think out of the box.
It's time to let your creativity flow and It's time for "me time", a technique often used by Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Newton, they admit that most of their brightest ideas struck them when they were isolated and thinking about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, it might seem easy reading this , but believe me it's hard to do so. Wonder what Sir Issac Newton was doing sitting beneath that Apple tree , he was just sitting, isolated and oblivious.
What was Steve Jobs doing when he was fired from his own company_Apple ? He was pissed off and just roamed around, far away from all thoughts. It was at this time that he came up with the idea of Pixar and NeXT Back at Apple, Jobs gave the the most creative designs because he practised this ,along with fasting. (Read: Billionaire's eating habits )
3. ELON MUSK : First Principle Thinking
Everything is going fine till now, but here comes the hardest part, you've figured out all the knowledge of your product and also you have planned and designed a really creative and revolutionary product. Now you need to execute and come up with the cost cutting factor so that it becomes an overnight success and dominates the market.
There are two approaches of thinking and sorting this out. First, the casual and conventional approach that most of the people use which gives not so great results. Second, the First Principle Thinking . I personally call it "thinking like a physicist" , that is not just thinking about the pertaining conventions but really pushing your limits to the most basic things and in this way we can get great results.
Our brain is not accommodated to this and one usually quits because we like to live in the comfort zone, that's how we are programmed. Here is a friend of mine to explain you about First Principle Thinking
Youtube: innomind
PS_ Your product was revolutionary, the boss has offered you promotion but you resigned instead , to start your own business because you are thinking like a billionaire.
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