B14_ The title might seem very hectic but this blog is actually quite simple , with terms explained in layman language, so just give it a go . Hope you enjoy it . One thing is for sure , you'll be able to understand the plot of INTERSTELLAR easily after reading this 👍 _________________________________________________ WORMHOLES : WHAT? Wormholes are also called Einstein-Rosen Bridge , named after the very famous scientists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen. Do one thing , take a paper and mark 2 points some distance apart on it . Now what's the shortest distance to take so that one reaches from point A to B in smallest amount of time, you might think wtf I am talking about , its a straight line but NO , if you are "very smort" you might as well think it's a brachistochrone curve , I'll deny to that as well. Think out of the 2 dimensions of the paper and create a new dimension that is 3D . Roll the paper and create a hole with your ...
Personal Blog. I write what I read and I like what I read. Mostly about billionaires