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Showing posts from November, 2020

What's inside space?

B11_ Is space empty? If no then what's in it  ___________________________________________________ 100 km above the Earth's surface , lies the Karman line, beyond which there's a vast entity which we know as outer space (Or simply space) . Now , In schools we are taught that space is a hard vacuum and not a perfect 👌 one (contains nothing ) ,why not perfect ? It means that there's is something  inside space ? And what's it ?  🌌 _________________________________________________ Space contains_ planets , stars , comets ,asteroids and what not .Each celestial body has it's own gravity and atmosphere, but we are not going to talk about the above mentioned bodies . These bodies are several millions ( or billions ) of lightyears apart . We will learn what's in the space between these bodies .  Here, the notion "Air is Everywhere" is falsified  because there's no air in space.  (that's why you can't breathe there 😐, o